
Research is at the heart of every project.

30 years of continuous relations with suppliers of fabrics, accessories , machining , we have enriched with a great experience.

No master, school or course can compete with what our customers have taught us letting us know about their products, their markets, their reality. Studio Cinque daily spent time and resources devoted to research, we know that and stop living in the illusion of being the best, you know everything is the bane of a task.

“Research ” is our daily prayer , Studio Cinque managers who did not have change over the years, the owners Nespoli Agnese and Moreno Gambirasio have always worked alongside their employees storing a myriad of experiences that make a difference.

Our Premiere and modelist Cinzia Guerini has been with us for over 20 years, even the laboratories that work with us can claim to have employees who have spent a lifetime working in the same workplace; I think this is the added value of a company.

Made in Italy you do not crafting or in foreign laboratories with personnel at low cost and lack of experience, but with an artisan culture and loved so many years of work.

For over 15 years we cooperate with lectures with the best schools in England that teach the fashion system.


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